Hi there!
I'm Angela Marie Jones.
12 Questions with Angela Marie Jones.
I'm from...I'm from Washington, DC.
When I was 5 (or whatever age), I was pretty sure I'd be a... As a child of Word of Faith pastors, I knew ministry, music, and media were in my future. However, when I was 12, my best friend and I were going to go into the veterinary business together. I was going to handle business operations lol
When I’m not singing or working, you can find me…Between home, the gym, or with f(r)amily
The best piece of advice I've ever been given is…"Trust your heart..." - Dr. Alvin A. Jones
My Starbucks order is...venti Medicine ball w/ light lemonade or a grande vanilla latte w/ oatmilk
Something not a lot of people know about me is…I'm introverted.
Someone I admire greatly is…This question is hard because I take value in all relationships which makes me view them all with admiration. However, I must give my mother, Dr. Martha Jones, her flowers for being one of the greatest examples of motherhood, pastoral leadership, entrepreneurship, and relentless servanthood.
People often describe me as…intimidating I would say that...that while I have a strong presence, I am open and approachable. One of my favorite things to do is to make people comfortable and comforted through laughter.
I’m happiest when...surrounded by the arts or around nature.
I'm always ... exploring ways to continue to develop as an individual and in service to others.
I would never...unnleeessssss...I never say never.